Getting ready for school

The first day of school may be quickly approaching. While some children may be excited for the challenges of a new school year, others may be feeling very apprehensive and worried.

Sometimes our brain gets overprotective and can perceive things as a ‘threat’, particulary when trying something new for the first time. When this happens the body triggers our ‘fight or flight’ response via the part of the brain called the amygdala; which is a physiological and neurochemical response to a brain on high alert!

Anxiety can make someone feel like they do not have control over their environment which can be very unsettling. Sometimes this can look like a tantrum (fight), or a shutdown or refusal to participate (flight).

School anxiety can affect children, parents, siblings and teachers. It can show without a good reason and without warning. When individuals can understand anxiety and learn that they can be in charge of their brain’s emotional responses, they can feel empowered and confident to overcome challenging obstacles.

This is a great article with tips to support your child returning to school.

How to empower your child to deal with school anxiety - Hey Sigmund

If you or your child struggle with anxiety and require extra support, please contact us to discuss how we can work together for a positive start!

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Attention Difficulties


Coming to see a psychologist